Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tuesday November 18th

Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design?

User Experience- the experience of a person where they find a website pleasing so they keep going back. It relates to web design because when you create a website, you want it to be good and want it to persuade people to keep looking at it.

Monday November 17th

Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?
I think that this quote means that everything about designing things are not just about what it looks like. Design is based on other stuff and most importantly, how it works. People think that design is only about what it looks like and thinks it is easy. Design is full of basically everything. It is not based on what it looks like but how it works. We have to work hard to get things the way it looks. It relates to Web Design because of how it works. To design a lot of things on the web, you have to code. Design is what we do in web design. An example of this is making websites. When we make websites, we have to think about how we want to design things. 

User Experience- the experience of a person where they find a website pleasing so they keep going back.

Thursday November 13th

Reflect on your learning this semester so far in this class. Think about the first day you walked in to this room until right now. What have you learned about Web Design? What have you learned beyond Web Design? Explain yourself.

This semester I have learned a lot of new and interesting things. I have learned how to create websites using different resources and how to code. I have also learned a lot of elements to make up a website and everything to do to create a website. Beyond web design I have learned how to fix problems on a computer and, most of all, how to edit and fix a website. I have learned a lot from web design.

Friday November 7th

Define the following terms on your blog. Do not copy and paste definitions. Site where you got your definition.
Web Server
Web Hosting (also list examples of web hosting companies)

FTP~ FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This is use to transport some files to another place.
Web Server~Web server is a program that takes care of the files that form webpages.
Web Hosting~ Web hosting is a business that provides all different kind of services; like storage and maintenance. Some web hosting companies are: iPage, InMotion Hosting, HostMetro, BlueHost, JustHost, HostGator, FatCow, GreenGeeks, WebHostingHub, Yaho! Hosting, etc.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday November 3rd

Tell me about your weekend. Give me details and photos!

On Friday, for Halloween, I went to my friends house and we did go get candy. We probably stayed out until 10:00 p.m. and then I went home. On Saturday I lost my voice because I got too cold on Friday and I had to go pick up leaves. On Sunday I rode my skateboard, well at least tried to with the wind, and I fell going down a curb. When I fell, I slammed into the road and bruised my tailbone. After I fell, I went inside and watched Orphan. My sister screamed and I just laughed and, since she hates scary movies, we watched all the Scream's. Sadly, my sister did not think that was scary, she thought it was funny... it actually is. That was I did this weekend.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday October 20th

Tell me about your weekend. Share pics!

This weekend was not horribly bad but not completely fun. On Saturday my dad was suppose to come and get me but he never did, again. About three hours after that, my neighbors and I had a barbecue for all the the new neighbors and by the time I got home it was 11:00 pm. During the barbecue, all of the older kids hung-out and played volleyball, basketball, and football. The bad thing that happened during the party was that one of my neighbor's got arrested, but no one knows why. On Sunday, I stayed home and watched Netflix. That is all I did on Sunday and that was probably the best day of my weekend.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday October 17th

What kind of background do you have with Photoshop? Have you used it before? What other types of design and editing software have you used before? Explain.

This will be very simple and easy. I don't have a background on Photoshop because I have never used it before. The reason I don't have one is because I don't have any uses with it and I never thought I would use but I was wrong. I also do not use any editing software because of the same reason. I am basically new to half of this stuff. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday October 14th

Below is a letter written to the editor who wrote the article 'Enforcement of dress code creates negative effect' that your blogged about last week. Most of you wrote on your blog that you agreed with the writer. What are your thoughts after reading the letter below and seeing a different perspective. Are they the same? Are the different? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.
After I read this article, my thought kind of changed. I mean, I understand my us girls get upset because we are put on the spot for I clothes. I understand that we like to wear what we want and we are dressing the way we are but they are right. There is a certain time and place that we could wear something different. For an example, at school we should wear stuff that is appropriate and something that goes by the rules of the school. At home we can wear whatever because not that many people see us and rules probably don't apply to home, about clothes. We should wear the right kind of clothes t that specific place.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday October 13th

The perfect classes to prepare people for life depends on what you want to be. If you want to be an engineer then you would have to take certain classes for that career. You would have to study for exams that they give you so you can become part of that team. You would go around and follow certain people to show you what to do. For class time, you would spend all of it to try to pass that class. The classes we have now help us with everything in the future. The ones that help you with your career focus on your career, unlike the ones now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday October 7th


The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

I think that the article is right. People tell us that we are going to be treated like "young adults" so we should be able to choose what to wear. I understand  that some girls clothes are a little too inappropriate but that's what girls wear. Teachers cant come up to us and ask "hey, do you have something to put over that?" When they do that it doesn't just embarrass us but it also shows us that the teachers don't look at us as "young adults". It kinda offends us girls so we think that we are not "young adults".

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday October 6th

Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.

This weekend was somewhat fun. On Saturday, I was suppose to go to my dads house at 9 am... but he never showed up. Instead of staying home, I went to Home Depot and got some crafts and we made Olaf and we tried to make Sven. After a few hours of doing that, I went to my aunts house to help her babysit and we went to Chipotle. Once we were done eating went back to her house and watched Ride Along and We're The Millers. ON Sunday, I came home and road my skateboard for a while. Then, I took my brother to our cousins house and we all hung-out. That was all I did for my weekend, it wasn't too bad but it wasn't the best.

            Image Citation

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday September 29th

Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

On Saturday, I spent almost all day getting ready for Homecoming. It was a blast because I went with all my friends and we went to Cinzetti's. The music was not that great and there was a lot of boy drama in my group. Only one other friend and I actually had the best night and had no drama. It was a great night accept for when this one guy hurt his leg and they canceled the rest of the dance. On Sunday, I stayed home a road my skateboard. Since I stayed up so late on Saturday/Sunday, 6:00 am, I had a lazy day Sunday. I think that this was one of my best weekends!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday September 22th

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!

This weekend was fine. I didn't do anything too exciting. If I had to choose one thing that was exciting, it would be that I went to IKEA. My step-dad, my sister, and I went to IKEA and we got some things for my mom's birthday that's today. It is so big and we all got lost trying to park and in the store. On Saturday I went to my dads house and we didn't really do anything. We went to the St. Peters Church's ice-cream social. Then he took me home so it was a really boring day. On Sunday, that's when I went to IKEA. Once I got done at IKEA, my family had a bonfire and we all made s'mores. My weekend started out boring but then it became exciting. 


Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday September 19th

Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.

I think that web design is pretty fun. Making all the websites and coding is exactly what I thought it would be. Web design is better than what I though it would be. I thought we were just going to make normal websites but we are making all the creative websites. My favorite part is making the websites and my least favorite part is coding. Coding isn't that fun because all we do is sit and code. When we make the websites we use our own imagination and our own ideas.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday September 18th

What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.

The importance of  deadline are very important. These deadlines can affect your future and your career. If you keep missing your deadlines then you will get use to missing them that when you get a job, if you miss the deadlines there, you can loose your job. Lately, there was a deadline for a year-long project and I did meet it but there were a few people that didn't so their grade dropped. It is very important that you meet all your deadlines.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16th

Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

One day in middle school I had to give a speech in drama class and I kept thinking that I was going to fail. This quote makes me think that since I was thinking I was going to fail, I was preparing to fail. Now, I shouldn't think that I'm going to fail because then I will actually be preparing to fail and not preparing to get a good grade. If people think that they are going to fail then they will probably fail so we need to think positive.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday September 15th

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend I didn't do too much. Friday when I got home, I downloaded some Fall Out Boy songs. Then on Saturday, I went to my step-dads moms house and had lunch and dinner with her.Once we got home I went with my friends to go see Divergent at my neighborhood movie night. It was so good and Four was so so so so hot! After the movie, we did this little raffle ticket drawing to see who wins the movie and I won. On Sunday, I went to my friends house and went skating. Once we were done skating, I went home and just sat around for a while and then went to Michael's. There, I got a sketch book and a sketch pad while my brother got some crafts stuff to make with my mom. I had a very good and relaxing weekend.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday September 11th

Below is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.

This quote is very true. If people say that they are bored then they are basically saying that they are bored with their life. No one should say that they are bored because then that means that you don't like the way your life is. If you are starting to think that you are bored then do something to make it not bored. If you are thinking that you are bored then that means that you need to make your life more fun. Every time you are starting to get bored think of this quote and make your life more fun.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9th

How do you express your creativity? Explain.
I express my creativity my drawing. All the pictures I draw are either from my imagination or what is in my head. A lot of things I think about is all what I'm thinking. Some of the things I am thinking about is scary, like a monster, and some things are kind of scary to even think that I am thinking that. If I am thinking about something that I can draw, I will get out my notebook and draw it. Everything in my life is basically drawn in my notebook.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8th

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend I didn't do much. Saturday I went to my dads house and went to go get tacos. Then we went to Dave & Busters with his friends and then I came home. On Sunday, I got up and did a little yard work with my step-dad. Then my mom took me to The Great Plains Mall and I got my homecoming dress and shoes. After that, since it didn't cost her too much, she took me to Arby's and we got a Turkey Gyro. Those things are so good. then we went home and went to the pool since it was closing today and today there is a puppy swim. then about two hours later we went to my step-dads moms house for dinner. My weekend was fun but probably not the best I've ever had.


Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5th

  • Your hair is too poofy
  • Your showing too much skin
  • That's too bright
  • Come over here and sit down
  • Stop playing on the computer
If I was in the 70s or 80s I would complain a lot about the kids at that time. Everything they were doing now I would complain about them doing back then. These times have changed so much and some kids wouldn't be doing half the stuff they're doing now. I would definitely be yelling and complaining about what they say. Now they would be saying all this bad, hipster stuff and back then they would be saying stuff that is 'groovy'.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4th

Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?

I have learned a lot of things from when we started till now. In this class I have learned about HTML format. I have also learned how to start a website. I would like to learn about CSS and what it does. By the end of this semester, I would like to know how to create my own website by myself.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2nd

Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

For my Labor Day weekend I hung-out with my friends and family. I also had a barbecue with my cousins. This whole weekend I basically stayed at home with my family and friends or I went to the pool. My cousins, my sister, my brother, and I went to the pool and we had a pool party since it closes this weekend.  It was so fun and I wish that I could do that all the time.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29

Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I think that John is correct. People just wait around to do nothing and they need to do something. It makes me feel happy to know that someone is on the same page as me and I don't have to explain it to a lot of people. If people wait around for the right moment or to do something, then that moment is never going to happen soon. People need to go out and do what they want and not sit at home and do nothing. He is right when he said "someday is now and that somebody is you," because people don't need somebody to do something for them and wait forever.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28

Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted it, I should be able to use it."

I do agree with this quote for certain reasons but I also don't agree with it for some other reasons. I do agree with it because that is what the images on the internet are for. They are there for people to use on projects, website, etc. and they help some people that need them. I don't agree with this quote because some images are too inappropriate for some people to use. I think that people, most of them, know what pictures are and are not OK for them to use. If there are images that are inappropriate for you than you should not use it an move on.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.

BVHS Choir

My life here at BVHS is pretty simple. I am involved in choir but nothing else. I am a 9th grader here at BVHS. My favorite teacher is Scheuerman and my favorite class is web design. This year I am looking forward to learning great, new, interesting things in all my classes. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25

What do you know about Web Design right now? What did you know about Web Design before you walked in to this class? Tell me as much as you can about how web pages work. Try to use an example if possible.

I don't know that much stuff about web design. One of the major things that I do know right now is how to do html. Before I walked into this classroom, I did not know anything about web design. I am thankful that I am taking web design so I know how to do in-depth things that I would have never knew how to do. There are some things that you have to do on web pages. If you want to put an image on your web page then you have to type a certain word. You would do the same thing if you want to type in a URL. For example, if I wanted to type in a URL to a web page, I would have to type
<a href=""></a>.